West-Trade Logistic

Safe, reliable and always on time.

As a for con­tract lo­gis­tics man­age your en­tire trans­port chain with our first-class fleet for riv­er-sea traf­fic and co­op­er­ate with ap­proved part­ners for pre­ced­ing and sub­se­quent trans­port. Safe, re­li­able and al­ways on time.

Our market is Eu­ro­pe and Northern Africa. In coastal trade, our ships call at all sea­ports in West­ern and North­ern Eu­rope as well as in North­ern Africa. Apart from the West­ern Mediter­ranean Sea and the Eu­ro­pean part of the North­ern At­lantic we also cover the areas of the Baltic Sea.

Al­ter­na­tive­ly, we offer di­rect riv­er-sea traf­fic from and to many Eu­ro­pean in­land ports. Riv­er-sea traf­fic pro­vides two sig­nif­i­cant ad­van­tages: On the one hand, in­land ports charge lower turnover fees than their com­pe­ti­tion on the coast. On the other hand, the freight is usu­al­ly for­ward­ed much faster. The suc­cess of the in­land port of Arles in South­ern France is a very good ex­am­ple how both ad­van­tages in­ter­act.

As a full-ser­vice provider we com­plete your re­quests re­li­ably and on time. You get spe­cialised trans­port so­lu­tions from one source through­out Eu­rope.
Tramp ship­ping is, how­ev­er, still con­duct­ed at all times if our routes and the util­i­sa­tion of our freight hold allow for it.
Freight ship­ping is a mat­ter of trust. If we de­cide that your trans­port de­mands do not fit our com­pe­ten­cies we will tell you with­out hes­i­tating.


We trans­port all kinds of bulk and gen­er­al cargo. Fur­ther­more, heavy cargo and pro­ject cargo is trans­port­ed, for ex­am­ple ma­chines and wind­mill equip­ments. Our ex­pe­ri­enced per­son­nel will check whether your freight re­quests can be re­alised.

We also pro­vide the nec­es­sary ex­per­tise for han­dling haz­ardous ma­te­ri­als con­form­ing to the law. We usu­al­ly cover lot sizes be­tween 500 and 4000 tons. Mere­ly tank freight is not part of our offer.

Delivery promise
In the field of con­tract lo­gis­tics, keep­ing our de­liv­ery promise has top pri­or­i­ty. An ex­am­ple from the area of haz­ardous goods lo­gis­tics shows our pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. We are trans­port­ing am­mo­ni­um ni­trate which is de­liv­ered on rails for a con­tract cus­tomer.

Due to safe­ty rea­sons, the trains may only re­main in the port for a few hours. By clear­ing pre­ced­ing trans­ports on time, we prove that we work ac­cord­ing to con­tract even in very lim­it­ed time frames.

Our Fleet

Modern - without compromise

To meet the re­quire­ments of a re­li­able sup­pli­er, all em­ployed ves­sels we use are mod­ern and out­stand­ing­ly main­tained. Due to the avail­abil­i­ty of our first-class ton­nage, we are able to offer trans­port ser­vices with max­i­mum re­li­a­bil­i­ty.

Our fleet con­sists of nine coast­ers. Our coast­ers meet all rel­e­vant lim­i­ta­tions riv­er-sea traf­fic con­cern­ing air­draft, beam and draft. Six coast­ers have al­most the same ca­pac­i­ty and cubage. Due to this ap­prox­i­mate uni­for­mi­ty of con­struc­tion, we are able to offer a very high level of avail­abil­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty.

Our fleet meets all re­quire­ments of mod­ern riv­er-sea traf­fic and coastal trade. See for your­self and down­load our ships' char­ac­ter­is­tics as PDF files >>here<<.

Trading area

Our market is Europe and Northern Africa

In coastal trade, our ships call at all sea­ports in West­ern and North­ern Eu­rope as well as in North­ern Africa. Apart from the West­ern Mediter­ranean Sea and the Eu­ro­pean part of the North­ern At­lantic we also cover the areas of the Baltic Sea.

Al­ter­na­tive­ly, we offer di­rect riv­er-sea traf­fic from and to many Eu­ro­pean in­land ports. Riv­er-sea traf­fic pro­vides two sig­nif­i­cant ad­van­tages: On the one hand, in­land ports charge lower turnover fees than their com­pe­ti­tion on the coast. On the other hand, the freight is usu­al­ly for­ward­ed much faster. The suc­cess of the in­land port of Arles in South­ern France is a very good ex­am­ple how both ad­van­tages in­ter­act.

Our special area: the lower Rhone up to Arles
Our coast­ers which are al­most of the same size are ideal for pass­ing the Rhone. Cus­tomers have a very high de­gree of flex­i­bil­i­ty for their riv­er-sea trans­ports into the port of Arles which is not only char­ac­terised by its ad­van­tages in cost but also by the fact that it is strike-free.


Your cargo. Our expertise.

The company
As an own­er-man­aged ship­ping com­pa­ny we have been in busi­ness since 1999. Our core busi­ness ac­tiv­i­ty is con­tract lo­gis­tics. Our long-term cus­tomer re­la­tions help us to achieve sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment. In­stead of re­ly­ing on mar­ket fluc­tu­a­tions, we ex­pand our com­pa­ny with a sense of pro­por­tion.

The expertise
We are ex­perts in the field of goods trans­port in riv­er-sea traf­fic. Our sec­ond busi­ness seg­ment in­cludes mar­itime busi­ness­es, par­tic­u­lar­ly coastal ship­ping. With our fleet of mod­ern coast­ers, we are able to meet all of these de­mands. De­pend­ing on cus­tomer re­quire­ments, we com­ple­ment our range of of­fers with com­pe­tent and re­li­able part­ner com­pa­nies. We work di­rect­ly for the ship­ping in­dus­try and on be­half of lo­gis­tics ser­vice providers.

Punc­tu­al­i­ty, safe­ty and re­li­a­bil­i­ty are the core of our de­liv­ery promise. We keep this promise every day with our com­pre­hen­sive knowl­edge of ship­ping routes, with com­plete lo­gis­tic so­lu­tions and op­ti­mised han­dling of trans­port­ed goods.


Your safe harbour

Flurstr. 54
46535 Dinslaken
+49 (0) 2064 470-0

safe - reliable - always on time

West-Trade Logistic

Flurstr. 54, 46535 Dinslaken
+49 (0) 20 64 - 470 - 0

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