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As a full-ser­vice provider we com­plete your re­quests re­li­ably and on time. You get spe­cialised trans­port so­lu­tions from one source through­out Eu­rope. From pick­ing up goods at your fac­to­ry gate to dis­tri­bu­tion to the tar­get lo­ca­tion, West-Trade Lo­gis­tic is your one and only con­tact.

If it is nec­es­sary for the trans­port chain, in­ter­modal trans­port com­bines the strengths of water, rails and the road. While pro­vid­ing riv­er-sea trans­port as well as ma­rine traf­fic our­selves, we co­or­di­nate pre­ced­ing and sub­se­quent trans­port with part­ner com­pa­nies that have stood the test of prac­tice.

You will get a re­li­able com­plete so­lu­tion with only min­i­mum ad­min­is­tra­tive ef­forts for your own com­pa­ny. This means, we also cover trans­porta­tion ser­vices such as dis­patch and han­dling.

safe - reliable - always on time

West-Trade Logistic

Flurstr. 54, 46535 Dinslaken
+49 (0) 20 64 - 470 - 0

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