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Freight ship­ping is a mat­ter of trust. If we de­cide that your trans­port de­mands do not fit our com­pe­ten­cies we will tell you with­out hes­i­tat­ing. The same ap­plies if we can­not com­ply with the date you re­quest­ed.

Should this be the case, we will not let you alone. We will use our broad mar­ket ex­per­tise and put you in touch with a suit­able trans­port com­pa­ny. While our part­ners will then charge a freight col­lec­tion fee, we will charge a com­mis­sion to the gross freight cus­tom­ary in the par­tic­u­lar mar­ket.

safe - reliable - always on time

West-Trade Logistic

Flurstr. 54, 46535 Dinslaken
+49 (0) 20 64 - 470 - 0

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