
We trans­port all kinds of bulk and gen­er­al cargo. Fur­ther­more, heavy cargo and pro­ject cargo is trans­port­ed, for ex­am­ple ma­chines and wind­mill equip­ments. Our ex­pe­ri­enced per­son­nel will check whether your freight re­quests can be re­alised.

We also pro­vide the nec­es­sary ex­per­tise for han­dling haz­ardous ma­te­ri­als con­form­ing to the law. We usu­al­ly cover lot sizes be­tween 500 and 4000 tons. Mere­ly tank freight is not part of our offer.




Delivery promise
In the field of con­tract lo­gis­tics, keep­ing our de­liv­ery promise has top pri­or­i­ty. An ex­am­ple from the area of haz­ardous goods lo­gis­tics shows our pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. We are trans­port­ing am­mo­ni­um ni­trate which is de­liv­ered on rails for a con­tract cus­tomer.

Due to safe­ty rea­sons, the trains may only re­main in the port for a few hours. By clear­ing pre­ced­ing trans­ports on time, we prove that we work ac­cord­ing to con­tract even in very lim­it­ed time frames.