
Our mar­ket is West­ern and North­ern Eu­rope
In coastal trade, our ships call at all sea­ports in West­ern and North­ern Eu­rope as well as in North­ern Africa. Apart from the West­ern Mediter­ranean Sea and the Eu­ro­pean part of the North­ern At­lantic we also cover the areas of the Baltic Sea.

Al­ter­na­tive­ly, we offer di­rect riv­er-sea traf­fic from and to many Eu­ro­pean in­land ports. Riv­er-sea traf­fic pro­vides two sig­nif­i­cant ad­van­tages: On the one hand, in­land ports charge lower turnover fees than their com­pe­ti­tion on the coast. On the other hand, the freight is usu­al­ly for­ward­ed much faster. The suc­cess of the in­land port of Arles in South­ern France is a very good ex­am­ple how both ad­van­tages in­ter­act.


Our spe­cial area: the lower Rhone up to Arles

Our coast­ers which are al­most of the same size are ideal for pass­ing the Rhone. Cus­tomers have a very high de­gree of flex­i­bil­i­ty for their riv­er-sea trans­ports into the port of Arles which is not only char­ac­terised by its ad­van­tages in cost but also by the fact that it is strike-free.